All the legal action I've taken against newspapers has had a massively positive effect on my life and achieved exactly what I wanted which is privacy and non-harassment.
There seems to be a terrible misunderstanding on the part of a great many people to the effect that when you cease to believe you may cease to behave.
Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials.
I love that feeling of being in love the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special.
My passion and great enjoyment for architecture and the reason the older I get the more I enjoy it is because I believe we - architects - can effect the quality of life of the people.
If we bestow but a very little attention to the economy of the animal creation we shall find manifest examples of premeditation perseverance resolution and consumate artifice in order to effect their purpose.
The automobile both a cause and an effect of this decentralization is ideally suited for our vast landscape and our generally confused and contrary commuting patterns.